Microsoft Customer Experience Platform

Shaping the future of retail with Microsoft Customer Experience Platform

For brands today, nothing is certain. Standing stagnant is a sure way to fall behind. Heritage labels are no exception. Brands must discover authentic methods to engage with digitally-savvy consumers wherever they are, now more than ever. How do traditional brands develop modern experiences that appeal to today’s digital-native customers?

Consumer behavior shifts practically overnight, and heritage companies like Barbour and Woolrich are at a crossroads in their storied histories. To adjust, these well-known firms used the Microsoft Customer Experience Platform to build direct ties with their customers. Integrating digital technology with their brand and marketing strengths to attract and keep clients allows them to have hyper-personalized experiences while maintaining their unique product personality. Individualized journeys necessitate real-time customer data insights fed into line-of-business systems, as well as frictionless activation across an increasing number of client touchpoints. Personalization powered by AI that is aware of privacy and allows users to give their permission allows brands to reach each customer at the right time, with the right touch, at a large scale.

To personalize experiences, combine, and forecast them.

One of the leading alcohol spirits makers find it difficult to collect and analyze data in order to accurately predict customer needs. They used Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, a customer data platform (CDP) that’s part of the Microsoft Customer Experience Platform, to integrate fragmented customer data and provide AI-powered insights that identify the next best action, to draw value from a large amount of customer data.

Security and compliance were critical considerations due to the sensitive nature of customer data. In this case, Dynamics 365 Customer Insights was a good choice because it has the most advanced data governance and consent management tools.

In Dynamics 365 Marketing, customer journey orchestration aids contextually relevant and consistent real-time discussions with every client across all touchpoints. To have the highest impact, we may more precisely synchronize marketing messages for each communication channel. The results can be seen in in-store sales as well as e-commerce, which is especially important during COVID-19… We aim to leverage this data to capture and optimize the full client journey, from marketing to sales to customer service.

Thanks to the unification of data and insights, the brand is now better prepared for new opportunities, whether it’s launching a new product, entering a new market, or growing customer loyalty.

Take on new challenges.

Microsoft can help you establish a smooth customer journey across channels, whether your customers interact with your brand electronically, in person, or both. A 37-year leader in high-quality multi-tools, pocket tools, and knives, needed a solution to satisfy the demands of their expanding direct-to-consumer business. They wanted to establish a more personalized client journey and ensure that their online store’s user experience was consistent. They used customer journey orchestration to give their new customers an end-to-end welcome experience.

They were able to use real-time custom events to establish multi-touchpoints that allowed them to engage their customers across commerce and marketing. Every time a customer joined up or started checking out on their website, this path was followed. As a result, Leatherman was able to easily activate new clients and generate chances for ongoing engagement as a result.

Brands were able to get a 360-degree view of their customer, break down silos between current systems, use data to make sense of it, and improve the customer experience as a result.

If you have true multi-channel personalization that puts your customer at the forefront of your mind, you not only improve their experience but also increase brand loyalty. These personalized customer experiences keep customers coming back for more and can even transform them into brand champions.

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